Staff Turnover in the Janitorial Industry

It might come as a surprise to some but the turnover of employee personnel is between 400 to 500% per year in the janitorial industry.

One of the reasons that the MJ company and Phoenix janitorial have been so successful is based on our ability to maintain lower turnover. In fact, we have experienced a turnover rate of under 75% over the last eight years. This low turnover rate leads to higher consistency in the delivery of service because the person cleaning our client’s locations have been in those locations longer, have more familiarity with the job, and has a better understanding of the nuances and scope of work.

Important factors that affect staff turnover

When assessing a cleaning provider, we believe that turnover is one of the most important factors in terms of long-term success. Unfortunately, the staff turnover rate is often overlooked when project managers look at their requirements for a professional cleaning solution.

We believe low turnover is a good indication that the company is a positive place to work, including a staff that supports its team members, and has a proven track record of getting the job done.

Another important factor in relation to low turnover is that when you have employees who are with the company, for longer periods of time, you tend to see a clearer understanding of the expectations within the company. This leads to better delivery of service. It also allows us to pay a more competitive rate because that consistency often pays off in performance.

So the ability to have someone in one location for a longer period of time allows the employee to create efficiencies in time and performance. This allows the company to compensate highly productive team members accordingly.

The final factor that makes low turnover so critical is the time and money spent on training. Every employee that joins your team will require a significant amount of your company’s resources to ensure work is being completed at a high standard. The better your recruitment methods, the lower your associated costs over time.

No longer is the job going to the company that provides the lowest bid. Project managers need to consider how often their property will undergo staff turnover.

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